Sore Eyes (Conjunctivitis) Part 3

Myth or Fact: Can I get sore eyes from looking into the eyes of a person with sore eyes?


You can't get sore eyes by simply looking into the eyes of a person with sore eyes.  Although highly contagious, the disease can only be transmitted through hand to eye contact and by touching the eye with a hand that got in contact with a contaminated object or previously used object of an infected person. Thus a person with sore eyes should be prevented from going to school or reporting to work.

How to Prevent Sore Eyes from Spreading?
  1. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Do not touch your eyes or face without washing your hands.
  3. Do not share towels, eye glass, shades or make up with an infected person.
  4. Use tissue or cotton buds in cleaning the infected eye.
  5. Be careful that tips of eye drops do not touch the infected eye or eyelashes.
  6. Don't swim as some bacteria or virus can survive in the water.
  7. Avoid shaking hands.
  8. Disinfect surfaces of commonly touched areas or appliances such as door knobs and counter tops.
  9. Clothes, pillows, towels and a like should not be shared, and be washed thoroughly.

Related Topics:
Sore Eyes (Conjunctivitis) Part 1
Sore Eyes (Conjunctivitis) Part 2


Pooja said...

Pink eye is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva mostly because of some form of allergic reaction or infection. Bacterial and viral pinkeye are
exceedingly transmittable. Allergic and chemical pink eye are non-contagious. There are many symptoms which include reddish eyes, eye lid inflammation,
blurry eye sight, watery eye emission, eyelids get matted. For more details refer conjunctivitis

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