Protect Your Kids Against Heat Stroke

Summer is officially in and school will soon be out. Kids will start to play and stay under the sun. But with the El Niño phenomenon being experienced in the Philippines today making temperatures rise between 33°C to 37°C it's not uncommon for kids to experience prickly heat, sun burn, and even heat stroke.

Heat stroke occurs when people exercise or work in a hot, humid place and losses body fluids through sweating for a prolonged period. This causes the body to overheat causing brain cells to die. Heat stroke is a life threatening medical condition, especially on small kids and aged people.

So how will you protect your kids from experiencing heat stroke but still be able to enjoy the summer sun? Here are some simple stay cool tips to follow.

Wear light cotton clothes. This will help in circulate the air between the clothes and the body.

Drink plenty of fluids. This is the time to strictly follow the 8 glasses a day routine. To keep your kids drinking, alternate between fruit juices and water.

Use Sun Protection. Whether just a few minutes outside or several hours playing on the beach, never forget to wear sun blocks.

Bring an Umbrella. Always bring an umbrella or cap when going outside for errands.

Avoid the Afternoon Sun. Better stay indoors between 10am until 2pm. This is the time when the sun is high in the sky and temperatures are on its highest.

Take a Bath Twice a Day. Splurge on water that's not directly under the sun. Take a bath twice. Once at the middle of the day, and the other at 6pm before going to bed. Don't be afraid to bathe your toddlers at night. As long as he doesn't have fever, cough or cold.

Use Paper Instead of Towels. Yup, that's right. For your active kids who loves to play, putting a paper on his back will keep the perspiration from soaking his shirt. Paper is more absorbent than clothes and dries faster too.

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